Microsite Acceptance Criteria
All patient microsites will be reviewed prior to launching to ensure that each patient story adheres to appropriate language. As a guide, please review the list of information that cannot be included in a patient microsite.
Microsite Stories Cannot Include:
- Offerings to provide any type of compensation, financial or otherwise, for a kidney or liver donation
- Any contact information including email addresses, phone numbers, social media accounts, or physical addresses
- Obscene, suggestive, or inappropriate photos and/or captions
- Inappropriate or offensive language
- Political or extreme or inflammatory ideological content
- Advertising or branded content
- Links to any non-NKR website
- Mentions of non-NKR programs
- Foreign language without English translation
- Blood type microsites
- Requests for monetary donations, links to crowd sourcing sites (i.e. GoFundMe) or other third party sponsorships
We reserve the right to reject a story based on any other criteria, at NKR’s sole discretion. In these cases, we may ask the patient or coach to make changes before approving it for public access.