Today the National Kidney Registry announced that all 1,200 of its microsite patients now have donor search coaches. The NKR has partnered with the American Kidney Search Network (AKSN) to provide all current and future microsite patients with a coach. Coaches are experts in the donor search process and have successfully conducted a donor search …
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Read the latest news from Find A Kidney, the National Kidney Registry, and other organizations dedicated to helping kidney patients find living kidney donors.
The National Kidney Registry’s 1,000th Patient Microsite Activated
Today the National Kidney Registry announced the activation of its 1,000th patient microsite. The microsite program provides free websites to transplant patients seeking a living donor so patients can spread the word of their need for a transplant. Dr. E. Steve Woodle, a liver transplant recipient and Director of Solid Organ Transplantation for University of Cincinnati …
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